Japanese Exchange DMM Bitcoin Hacked for Over $300 Million in BTC
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The exchange says it is committed to fully guaranteeing all customer bitcoin deposits.
Exploiting The Lightning Bug Was The Ethical Choice
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By publicly exploiting a bug on Lightning that could have put users’ funds at risk, the developer was acting in the best interests of Bitcoin node runners.
Another Bug Briefly Took Down Part Of The Lightning Network
The nature of open-source distributed systems leaves some vulnerabilities open to exploitation, but should bugs be exploited publicly or disclosed in private?
No One Understands Bitcoin, And That’s Okay
Bitcoin is an infinitely complex system that is a zero-to-one invention with little for us to compare it to, so no one can fully understand Bitcoin.
What The HubSpot Bitcoin Company Data Breach Means For You (It’s Not Good)
After CRM data platform HubSpot suffered a data breach targeting Bitcoin company data, customers are wondering if they’re at risk.
How Law Enforcement Seized 94,000 Bitcoin Stolen From Bitfinex
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Federal authorities tracked down and seized more than 94,000 bitcoin allegedly stolen from Bitfinex. But how did they get their hands on the pseudonymous funds?
700,000 Bitcoin Lost Eight Years Ago Today: Learning From The Fall Of Mt. Gox
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On February 24, 2014, infamous bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox went offline after 744,000 BTC — worth billions of dollars today — was stolen.
DOJ Recovers $3.6 Billion In Bitcoin Stolen In Bitfinex Hack
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Law enforcement has seized over $3.6 billion in bitcoin of the total $4.5 billion drained in the 2016 Bitfinex hack.
Inside The Scam: Victims Of Ledger Hack Are Receiving Fake Hardware Wallets
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A new attack vector following the Ledger data breach of July 2020 involves sending convincing but fake hardware wallets to victims.
Colonial Pipeline Pays 75 Bitcoin Ransom To Hackers
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Major U.S. oil pipeline system Colonial Pipeline paid a requested 75 bitcoin ransom to hackers who took control of its data last week.