Editorial Policy

How does Bitcoin Magazine choose which stories to cover and publish?

The editorial staff accepts stories and story pitches entirely on their journalistic merits, timeliness, capacity for coverage and specific relevance to the publication’s readership in the Bitcoin space.

Does Bitcoin Magazine pay its writers?

Yes, Bitcoin Magazine pays some of its authors and freelancers for content that is published on the site. Writers are expressly forbidden, however, to accept any form of payment or compensation from a third party in exchange for covering a story.

How can I pitch a story or guest post to Bitcoin Magazine?

For news tips, timely stories or corrections, email [email protected] with a clear, direct subject line on what type of content you’re submitting so that it does not get overlooked.

Does Bitcoin Magazine publish press releases?

Bitcoin Magazine does not publish press releases, but you are welcome to submit press releases to our editorial staff for consideration to include in stories.

Whether or not we decide to follow up with a press release submission is based entirely on the merit of the story and its relevance to our readership.

We do not accept news story pitches in exchange for payment, nor do we permit our writers to accept any third-party incentives to cover stories.

Press releases can be sent to [email protected] for consideration.

Does Bitcoin Magazine offer advertising?

Yes, Bitcoin Magazine offers opportunities to advertise on our site through banner advertisements, email newsletter sponsorships and sponsored promotional content. Advertising and paid content is always clearly labeled and designated.

To request advertising and sponsorship availability or rates, please email us at [email protected].

Do Bitcoin Magazine staff members and writers own digital currencies?

Bitcoin Magazine staff and writers are often paid in cryptocurrencies, and as Bitcoin enthusiasts, many hold varying amounts of bitcoin and other currencies.

Disclosure Policy: In order to avoid the perception of any conflict of interest, Bitcoin Magazine makes every effort to disclose the following information in articles that include content pertaining to:

  • An investor in BTC Inc, BTC Media LLC, or Bitcoin Magazine;
  • a company in which BTC Inc has an ownership stake;
  • a company that the author has any financial relationship with (particularly in the case of a guest post);
  • a cryptocurrency other than bitcoin or any other investment or asset in which the author is significantly invested.

For more information, please review our Code of Ethics.