Mark Maraia

Mark Maraia
Mark Maraia is an entrepreneur, author of Rainmaking Made Simple and bitcoiner who believes everyone loves bitcoin they just don’t know it yet.

All 21 Million Bitcoin Already Exist Waiting To Be Unlocked By Auction

A look at Dhruv Bansal's conceptual view of the issuance process of fresh bitcoin from a new angle. They aren't being created, they're simply being unlocked.

Fiat Is Artificial Money And Bitcoin Is Natural Money

A description of the concept of "natural money", and how that relates to defining what Bitcoin actually is.

First Ever Freedom Festival Held In Bitcoin Jungle Shows Bottom Up Adoption of Lightning

An account of the Bitcoin Freedom Festival in Costa Rica, and the signs of bitcoin adoption growing in a ground up grassroots fashion in the region.

How Two Digital Nomads Launched The Fastest Growing Bitcoin Community In El Salvador

Two digital nomads living in El Salvador have kicked off a domino of ground up adoption of Bitcoin in the small mountain town of Berlin.

If You Hate Ordinals, You Might Undervalue The Bitcoin Network

“Today, every single Bitcoiner undervalues and underpays for the use of this immutable digital ledger.”

This Year, Bitcoiners Should Quit Their Twitter Addictions

Bitcoin Twitter is a strong and vibrant community, but members should make sure they are in control of the energy they spend there.

Learning Bitcoin For Newbies In Fifteen Minutes

Here are the basic facts you need to relay to newbies when they’re wanting to know about Bitcoin.

Our Relationship To Money Helps Us Understand Bitcoin

Reflecting on our relationship to money can give us insight into the way that dollars have failed us and bitcoin can provide an alternative.

The FTX Failure Shows Why I Hate Trading And Investing

Trading risky assets on centralized exchanges is the opposite of the saving Bitcoin incentivizes.

Why Bitcoin Is Not Like PayPal Or Venmo

Bitcoin is an entirely new paradigm of money, not a simple secondary payments layer built to increase ease of access like PayPal or Venmo.
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