Marty Bent

Marty Bent

DLCs On Lightning Open The Door For Bitcoin Smart Contracts

The first successful discreet log contract has been executed on the Lightning Network by creating a new type of transaction when opening a Lightning channel.

Trusted Third Parties Continue To Be Security Holes

The recent FTX collapse has demonstrated the shortfalls of third parties. Successful businesses in the future will incorporate multisig into their operations.

The Warning Signs Were There: The Collapse Of FTX Was Inevitable

The reality of the situation in “crypto” is people have discovered a way to recreate the corruption that exists in the incumbent financial system.

Forget Politics, Stop Asking For Permission And Lean Into Bitcoin’s Utility Instead

When one considers the state of the Union today, it doesn’t really seem like there is a viable path to affect change via the political process.

Another Bug Briefly Took Down Part Of The Lightning Network

The nature of open-source distributed systems leaves some vulnerabilities open to exploitation, but should bugs be exploited publicly or disclosed in private?

Mining Bitcoin Profitably Has Never Been Harder

Miners face an absolute bloodbath in their attempts to acquire bitcoin profitably as hash rate and electricity costs continue to rise while prices remain low.

Erlay Makes It Easier To Run A Bitcoin Node

Erlay will bring bandwidth efficiency gains to Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer layer by changing the transaction relay protocol where full nodes share data.

Erlay Makes It Easier To Run A Bitcoin Node

Erlay will bring bandwidth efficiency gains to Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer layer by changing the transaction relay protocol where full nodes share data.

Why Kanye West And Other Free Speech Advocates Need Bitcoin

Candace Owens reported that Kanye West’s bank accounts with JPMorgan Chase were closed. Ye needs to adopt bitcoin in order to exchange value.

Is Bitcoin Decoupling From Treasurys, Equities And Bonds?

If the bitcoin price remains stable while everything else continues to crash, it would be a massive signal that more people recognize its value proposition.
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