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Jameson Lopp

Casa Helps Users Secure Their Bitcoin

It’s imperative to use best practices in bitcoin security in order to protect assets. Jameson Lopp shares the ways Casa supports their clients.

No One Understands Bitcoin, And That’s Okay

Bitcoin is an infinitely complex system that is a zero-to-one invention with little for us to compare it to, so no one can fully understand Bitcoin.

Adversarial Thinking And Ways To Attack Bitcoin

A group of Bitcoin Core developers discussed various attack vectors for Bitcoin as well as ways to plan ahead and circumvent nefarious actors.

The Challenges With Fully Syncing Old Versions Of Bitcoin Core

Improvements in Bitcoin Core have led to an increase in the speed at which a Bitcoin node can fully sync and process all the data being added to the blockchain.

Emphasizing User Friendliness With Sovereignty, Casa Launches Free Wallet

The new free wallet service from Casa is built on its premium security technology while offering private key management education and encrypted recovery phrase storage.

Sure, the Bitcoin Price Flash Crashed, but Hash Rate Is Fine

With the bitcoin price and hash rate falling on the same day, many speculated that one caused the other. But the hash rate didn’t actually fall.

Proof of Wrongs: Debunking ‘Faketoshi’ With Jameson Lopp

In this episode, Dave and Grahm sit down with Jameson Lopp to discuss his recent op-ed.

Op Ed: How Many Wrongs Make a Wright?

Craig Wright insists that he's Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin - but the evidence doesn't seem to line up. Jameson Lopp breaks down the arguments against Wright's claim in this feature op ed.

VeriBlock’s Bitcoin-Backed Security Protocol Goes Live

After a year on its testnet, the VeriBlock blockchain has gone live on the Bitcoin mainnet, allowing exchanges, wallet providers, merchants and other crypto businesses to leverage Bitcoin’s blockchain security.

Here’s How Bitcoin’s Lightning Network Could Fail

The Lightning Network is viewed by many in the Bitcoin community as the network’s best hope for long-term scalability. The concept uses payment channels...
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