

El Salvador Unleashes “Volcano Energy” With 241 Megawatt Planned Bitcoin Mining Operation

The country of El Salvador is harnessing its energy resources and constructing a renewable power generation park to fuel the growth of Bitcoin mining.

Bitcoiners Shouldn’t Fight Solar, They Should Embrace Resilience

Though Bitcoiners often fight solar power as merely another ESG attack vector, it could make Bitcoin more resilient and decentralized.

Bitcoin Miners Should Take Solar Energy Plus Storage More Seriously

Bitcoin miners now have a lucrative opportunity as the trend in pairing batteries with solar energy plants accelerates.

Bitcoin’s Energy Use is a Feature Not a Bug

Bitcoin incentivizes energy innovations whereas proof-of-stake results in exacerbated inequality since the more money you have, the more money you get.

Bitcoin Songsheet: Wind And Solar Are The Altcoins Of Energy

A misdirection of resources and an obstruction of progress, wind and solar energy reflect the same distracting qualities of altcoins.

Canaan Announces New ASIC Miner Along With Company Standards For Green Bitcoin Mining

ASIC manufacturer, Canaan, announced a brand new mining machine in addition to green mining standards about energy, mining and infrastructure.

My Node Runs On Home Solar: How Solar Energy Offers Protection From Government And Inflation Like Bitcoin

Solar energy, like bitcoin, can be an effective tool to protect oneself from poor government systems — and they even work in conjunction.

Forget Bears: Bitcoin Takes On The Duck Curve

As the bears lick their wounds and escape to the caves for the winter, Bitcoin sinks its teeth into a new animal; the duck curve of the energy grid.

Is Solar Power A Good Fit For Bitcoin Mining?

As Bitcoin transforms the incentives around energy use, will solar power become the future of mining?

Greenidge Generation To Repurpose Old Coal Ash Landfill Into A New Solar Farm

Bitcoin miner Greenidge announced today its plans to expedite the closure of an old coal ash landfill and turn it into a solar farm.
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