

The Consensus Conundrum

Bitcoin faces a one-of-a-kind leadership problem.

To Succeed Bitcoin Needs Something New, Not More of the Same

Replicating the same types of services and applications of the legacy world on Bitcoin necessitates interacting with the legacy world, giving them leverage over Bitcoin.

A Denial Of Service Attack On Bitcoin Consensus

The reason conversations around consensus are a dysfunctional mess is not because of the people proposing changes, its because of the people refusing to listen in good faith.

The Difficult Adjustment

A call to arms for innovation, cooperation and a change in Bitcoin’s discourse to create the means for Bitcoin to fulfill its potential. From “The Primary Issue”.

Proof-Of-Work Is The Only Viable Form Of Consensus

Bitcoin’s consensus mechanism ensures that work needs to be done in order for transactions to confirm and secures bitcoin in the fairest manner.

Learning From The LND Bug That Could Have Robbed The Lightning Network

A bug resulting in the stalling of LND and btcd nodes had minimal impact — but it could have been much worse.

Nothing’s Cheaper Than Proof-Of-Work Consensus

All roads lead to proof-of-work because it is the most efficient and fairest way to come to consensus, without having a rich-get-richer problem.

Softchains Bring Two-Way Pegs And Potential Room For Use Cases — But Not Without Security Costs

Softchains are a sidechain implementation that interact on a deeper level with consensus mechanisms, which can bring benefits and risks.

Proof-Of-Work Is Objective, Proof-Of-Stake Is Not

The proof-of-work consensus mechanism used in Bitcoin is an objective measure of history which cannot be changed on the whims of validators.

Proof Of Work Vs. Proof Of Stake: Why Bitcoin Won’t Change

As politicians and environmentalists have argued Bitcoin should move away from proof of work, they miss what makes the network so innovative.