Far-East Trading and Industrial Company, an importer of cryptocurrency mining gear, is being investigated by law enforcement authorities in Russia.
In its report on the investigation, CoinDesk revealed that the miner importer is alleged to have evaded up to $1.2 million in taxes on about 6,012 ASIC miners brought into Russia between August 2017 and February 2018.
According to a search warrant, the Moscow-based company (also known as DTPK) reportedly presented falsified documents to authorities throughout this period, with the documents themselves showing incorrect product prices.
The company was also accused of falsely reporting to the customs service that it got the miners from MSR Co., a Korean firm. Further investigation revealed that MSR Co. hadn’t done any business with the Russian company.
Officers from the Russian Federal Customs Service led a raid of some suspected DTPK business partners earlier this month. Intelion Mining, a company that runs data centers that host miners, saw up to 2,500 of its ASICs seized by the authorities from locations in Moscow and Tula.
The case is the latest in Russia’s efforts to tackle cryptocurrency miners who use equipment without proper documentation.