Stephen Malagodi

Stephen Malagodi
35+ years in public broadcasting, recording and producing avant-garde music, news and special events. Published author. 40 years an international social activist. My personal blog is at

Biggs’ Bitcoin Bunk

John Biggs has a writing problem. It’s terrible.I too know manias. I see them most often among writers who have a mania for writing even when they have nothing...

Krugman – Barbarism and Baloney

Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize winning economist who likes to explain things to we mortals via the New York Times, is a man some people love to hate, right...

Utopians and Magical Thinkers – A Response to Alex Payne via Karoli

In her recent post on Crooks and Liars, Karoli, whose pieces I’ve been reading for some time and generally find well done and intelligent, unfortunately chose to pick up...

A Bitcoin Love Affair at El Passion

El Passion (, a small web design and mobile application development company with 23 employees based in Warsaw, Poland apparently has a passion for Bitcoin.In July of 2013 they...

Tramping Through the Tulips with Blodget

Let’s state the obvious; writers have to write. They have to write something, anything, in order to be called writers and to be paid as writers. That’s what they...

Bittylicious Goes International

London: Bittylicious expands services to international market.Bittylicious, the UK-based startup enabling users to buy Bitcoins with British Pounds, has expanded its service into the Netherlands, South Africa and the...

Cointerra Announces GoldStrike1 ASIC

Cointerra, the Austin, Texas based ASIC Bitcoin mining hardware firm has announced its completion of the design of the new “Goldstrike1” mining processor. The final circuit design, known as...
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