

Hard Lessons In Bitcoin Case Law Show We Must Remain Vigilant

Two similar legal disputes around alleged bitcoin scams show that, while Bitcoin may be incorruptible, human beings are not.

The FTX Ponzi: Uncovering The Largest Fraud In Crypto History

Modern day alchemy, unsurprisingly, failed. A deep dive into FTX and the events leading to the collapse of the now notorious crypto exchange.

The Warning Signs Were There: The Collapse Of FTX Was Inevitable

The reality of the situation in “crypto” is people have discovered a way to recreate the corruption that exists in the incumbent financial system.

What Are The Ethics Of Sharing Scammers’ Real Names?

It is up to the Bitcoin community to self-police by any means necessary, even if that means doxxing scammers and sharing their names with the world.

A Newcomer’s Perspective On Toxic Bitcoin Maximalism

Toxic Bitcoin Maximalism can serve an important purpose to ward off newcomers from scams and altcoins, but is there a time when the toxicity is too much?

700,000 Bitcoin Lost Eight Years Ago Today: Learning From The Fall Of Mt. Gox

On February 24, 2014, infamous bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox went offline after 744,000 BTC — worth billions of dollars today — was stolen.

Founder Behind Alleged $2.3 Billion Bitcoin Scam Pushes Against Victims’ Claims

The founder of an investment platform accused of stealing $2.3 billion in bitcoin has resurfaced to push back on those claims.

Report: Founders Of South African Investment Platform Abscond With $2.3 Billion In Bitcoin

Users of South African investment platform Africrypt are missing $2.3 billion in bitcoin after the founders have disappeared.

Inside The Scam: Victims Of Ledger Hack Are Receiving Fake Hardware Wallets

A new attack vector following the Ledger data breach of July 2020 involves sending convincing but fake hardware wallets to victims.

CEO Of Turkish Exchange Thodex Flees Country, Leaves User Funds Irretrievable

The CEO of Thodex, a Turkish cryptocurrency exchange established in 2017, has fled the country and left user funds irretrievable.
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