

Legacy Media’s Transformation: Why Evolution Beats Extinction

Legacy media is evolving as audiences demand transparency and independence. Bitcoin is paving the way for a new era of decentralized, trustworthy journalism.

Ur-Media and Reality, Inc

Censorship, surveillance, and disinformation campaigns are being employed at an unprecedented scale, aiming to sow confusion and mistrust among those who dare to question. The rise of ur-media is dismantling these carefully constructed illusions of Reality, Inc. From “The Withdrawal Issue”.

No, Bitcoin Ordinals Do Not Inscribe Data Onto Sats

Whether Ordinal inscriptions are good or bad for Bitcoin, misleading descriptions need to be called out.

Did The New York Times Publish Manipulated Footage Of A Bitcoin Mine?

Footage accompanying a New York Times article critical of Bitcoin mining appears to have been manipulated to reinforce the paper’s bias.

Who Benefits From The New York Times’ Attacks On Bitcoin?

A recent editorial attack on Bitcoin mining by The New York Times raises questions about its journalistic integrity and editorial process.

Achieving The American Dream: Why Natalie Brunell Shares The Stories Of Bitcoin

Taught from a young age to work hard and think for herself, media pro Natalie Brunell is dedicated to sharing Bitcoin with the world.

Finding Bitcoin Signal Through The Noise

Sensationalized media draws page views and attention, but useful Bitcoin content is available to those who are willing to lower their time preference.

Trucker Convoy Demonstrates Bitcoin Value Prop

Is isn't every day that Bitcoin's value proposition is portrayed so clearly and accurately on the mainstream stage.

Media Is Adopting A Bitcoin Standard

Bitcoin is revolutionizing media, as evidenced by the capabilities of podcasting 2.0 on the Lightning Network.

Is It OK To Profit From Bitcoin Influence?

Should those who seek influence in the Bitcoin ecosystem feel entitled to compensation for their efforts?
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