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Liquid Network

Bitcoin Swap Service Boltz Launches BTCPay Server Plugin For Lightning Payments

The Boltz BTCPay Plugin enables merchants using BTCPay Server to accept Lightning payments non-custodially and transfer these funds to the Liquid sidechain.

Breez Lightning SDK Integrating Support For Liquid Network

A new option for using Bitcoin is coming to the Breez SDK.

Between Bitcoin Layers: Boltz Builds Trustless Transfers

Boltz co-founder and CEO Kilian and his team have created an easy-to-use, non-custodial solution for moving bitcoin between the base chain, Lightning and Liquid.

Bitcoin Reserve Now Allows The Purchase Of Liquid Bitcoin

Users of Bitcoin Reserve can now purchase Liquid Bitcoin (L-BTC) which enables the use of the Liquid Network, a layer two app for Bitcoin.

Reviewing Privacy-Enhancing Proposals For Bitcoin

Reviewing Bitcoin’s history of proposed privacy improvements can help us learn from the past and keep up with new improvements as we go.

Bitcoin’s Liquid Network Gains Six New Federation Members

Bitmatrix, DIGTL, GMO Coin, Mempool, Specter, and Zaprite are now part of the 63-member group of functionaries.
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