

Bitcoin Is Consciousness-Raising Technology On The Path Toward Enlightenment

Bitcoin will aid humanity in raising its levels of consciousness when self valuing people secure their individuality and everyone’s self interests are aligned.

Bitcoin Mining Is Directly Impacting People’s Lives For The Better

In the early days of Bitcoin, very few people knew the global impact it would have. Some Africans are seeing the benefits from bitcoin mining.

Bringing Clean Water To Communities That Need It With Bitcoin

The humanitarian work being done by Agua x Vida is another example of the power of permissionless money.

Bitcoin Will Save Humanity

It’s our duty to do everything we can to create a better world for future generations. Bitcoin is the main way to protect wealth for our children.

Using Bitcoin For Humanitarian Aid In Ukraine

A Ukrainian Bitcoin researcher discusses Bitcoin’s global utility as a humanitarian instrument and how he is using it to support people in Ukraine.

Currency Of Last Resort

Amid the tragedy of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Bitcoin acts as a humanitarian lifeline.

Bitcoin Speaks To The Human Condition

Bitcoin will succeed not just because it is the best monetary technology, but because it is the money most aligned to principles fundamental to human nature.

How Bitcoin Protects Private Property Rights

Bitcoin protects private property for its users due to its theft-proof design, its use of decentralized nodes and an immutable public ledger.

Bitcoin Can Be The Foundation Of Human Rights

The bad guys can’t stop Bitcoin, but Bitcoin can stop the bad guys.

Bitcoin-Only Exchange Relai To Donate Portion Of Revenue To UNICEF

Relai, a bitcoin-only savings and investment app, is using a referral program to donate up to 50% of referred transactions to humanitarian organization UNICEF.
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