

Talking Crypto-Investing With CoinFund’s Founder and “Chief Alchemist”

Jake Brukhman, the founder and managing director of Coinfund, as well as his chief alchemist Aleksandr Bulkin discuss some of the philosophy that goes into running a cryptocurrency fund.

To Better Organize, Decentralize: Matan Field of DAOstack

DAOstack CEO Matan Field was this week's featured guest on Epicenter, joining hosts Brian Fabian Crain and Sébastien Couture.

Voorhees: Bitcoin Will Probably Be Replaced If Scaling Resolution Not Found This Summer

This week on Let's Talk Bitcoin, Erik Voorhees, CEO of Shapeshift, talks with Epicenter's Brian Fabian Crain and Sébastien Couture.

More Mainstream Use Cases Needed to Secure Bitcoin’s Legitimacy

Blockchain technologies like the one that underpins Bitcoin are gaining wide acceptance across industry sectors from finance to healthcare to real estate. Bitcoin itself,...

Bitcoin Core Developer Eric Lombrozo on Misunderstandings in Block Size Debate

Bitcoin Core contributor and Ciphrex CEO Eric Lombrozo was recently interviewed on Epicenter Bitcoin, and he used a portion of his time to explain...

Bitcoin Core Developer Eric Lombrozo: Many Incentives to Implement SegWit

Although Segregated Witness (SegWit) has near-universal support from the Bitcoin development community, there are some who say the changes required by individual wallet providers...

Adam Back on the Risks of Benevolent Dictatorship in Bitcoin

The idea of a benevolent dictator for Bitcoin has become a topic of conversation throughout the community lately due to Mike Hearn’s role as the final authority...

Adam Back on Three Forms of Centralization That Have Crept Into Bitcoin

At the crux of the block-size limit debate in Bitcoin is an argument between scaling and securing the network. Although raising the block-size limit would allow...
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