The good news is that the Bitcoin protocol is safe and the bug was never exploited in any way. Still, it could have allowed for one of the worst attacks on Bitcoin in years.
Come November, the remaining signatories of the “New York Agreement” (NYA) plan to deploy the “SegWit2X” hard fork to double Bitcoin’s block weight limit,...
Today marks the official release of Bitcoin Core 0.15.0, the fifteenth generation of Bitcoin’s original software client launched by Satoshi Nakamoto almost nine years...
Today marks the official release of Bitcoin Core 0.14.0, the fourteenth generation of Bitcoin’s original software client launched by Satoshi Nakamoto eight years ago....
Of course, Bitcoin Magazine kept up with all of it. Looking back on 2016, we compiled three top 6 lists, with our best-read topics in technology, business and news. These were 2016’s six top stories in technology, by popularity.
For the first time, bitcoin miners have been able to signal support for SegregatedWitness this past week. Developed as a soft fork, the proposed centerpiece...
Set to offer an effective block size limit increase, a transaction malleability fix and more, SegregatedWitness (SegWit) could soon go live on the Bitcoin network....