Joseph Young

Joseph Young
Joseph is a web developer and designer, writer and a passionate musician who loves to travel. He has worked as a researcher for a number of venture capital firms and as a freelancer designer for resorts and corporations in Korea and the Philippines.

These Bitcoin Exchanges and Wallets Are Supporting Bitcoin Cash

“Bitcoin Cash” (BCH), a proposal initially proposed by bitcoin mining equipment manufacturer Bitmain, activated on August 1, 2017. Hours after the activation of Bitcoin Cash, ViaBTC mined the first...

Interview: Vitalik Buterin on Scaling Ethereum, Its Popularity in Asia and ICOs

In an interview with Bitcoin Magazine, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin discussed some of the scaling issues Ethereum is currently dealing with, the rising interest in Ethereum in Asia and...

Spotify Acquires Blockchain-Based Startup to Tackle Fair Royalty Issues

Spotify, the $8 billion music streaming service provider, which is projected to reach 100 million users and a $53 billion valuation by 2020, acquired Mediachain, a startup backed by...

BTCC Launches Mobi App, Enters Bitcoin Debit Card Market

BTCC, a major bitcoin exchange and trading platform operator in China, officially launched its first mobile application, “Mobi,” introducing various features and products including Twitter payments and the company’s...

Bitcoin Traders Report Some Bank Accounts Still Being Terminated

Santander Bank, the $90 billion Spanish financial institution and banking group, recently began to close accounts of users involved with bitcoin trading. According to U.K.-based bitcoin trading firm Bittylicious,...

ChinaLedger White Paper Outlines Industry Blockchain Standards

ChinaLedger, the blockchain alliance led by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs, released its first white paper to provide technical specifications of its technology and the vision of the alliance going forward.The...

Bitcoin Core 0.13.2 Release: Graceful Recovery

The Bitcoin Core development team released Bitcoin Core 0.13.2 on January 3. As a minor release, the latest version of the Bitcoin Core software features bug fixes and performance...

Monero Continues Upswing With Kraken’s Launch of XMR Trading

Kraken, a global bitcoin exchange headquartered in San Francisco, announced the launch of Monero (XMR) trading, which effectively enables users to trade Monero with bitcoin, U.S. dollars and euros.In...

Bitcoin Black Friday Deals for the Digital Currency Enthusiast

On the day after American Thanksgiving, bitcoiners (along with everyone else) will begin their holiday shopping in earnest, with Bitcoin Black Friday sales competing for shopping dollars by offering...

Blockchain and Coinify Partner to Offer Improved Bitcoin Wallet Funding Options

Blockchain, a prominent bitcoin wallet service provider with over 50 percent in market share and nearly 10 million wallet users, secured a strategic partnership with leading blockchain payment and...
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