

RGB Magic: Client-Side Contracts On Bitcoin

RGB is a method of ownership verification built on Bitcoin that allows for the continuation of Bitcoin’s properties.

Brazilian Stock Exchange To Begin Trading Bitcoin Futures This Year

B3, the Brazilian stock exchange, will begin trading bitcoin futures contracts within the next three to six months and hopes to offer crypto-based services.

CFTC Publishes New Advisory to Clarify Crypto Futures Trading

The CFTC says it’s focusing on the latest “best practices” for launching cryptocurrency derivative contracts.

Smart Contract Symposium to Convene in Times Square as “Completely New U.S. Government” Looms

The inaugural Smart Contract Symposium convenes December 5 in Times Square, not far ahead of the seating of the 45th President of the United...

Pamela Morgan on Security: “You Don’t Get to the Moon Without Blowing Up a Few Rockets”

In what’s turning into the “year of the hack,” security issues are increasingly top of mind for those working in the Bitcoin and blockchain...

New Study Reveals Bitcoin Economy Maturing to Mainstream Enterprise

A team of economists from UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies, Deutsche Bundesbank, University of Wisconsin and The New School have published a research paper...

A Lawyer’s Perspective: Can Smart Contracts Exist Outside the Legal Structure?

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Richard Howlett, Solicitor at Selachii LLP London.There can be no debate that technological development has never been...

Renowned Futurists Merkle, Hanson on the Future of Government Using DAOs and Prediction Markets

In May, Bitcoin Magazinecovered the spectacular launch of The DAO, a new kind of organization created and run using blockchain software rather than conventional...

Here’s How Bitcoin’s Lightning Network Could Fail

The Lightning Network is viewed by many in the Bitcoin community as the network’s best hope for long-term scalability. The concept uses payment channels...

R3 Issues Buterin’s “Ethereum Platform Review” Papers–Opportunities and Challenges for Private and Consortium Blockchains

Ethereum holds a top position among the promising blockchain platforms being investigated by R3, the financial innovation consortium that includes more than 50 of...
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