

Solving Bitcoin’s Self-Custody Problem

The cofounder of the U.K.'s longest-running Bitcoin exchange discusses his journey in Bitcoin and the importance of self custody.

Bitcoin Exchange CoinCorner Acquires Customer Base, Domains Of Coinfloor

The U.K.-based exchanges agreed to move Coinfloor customers over to CoinCorner "to further bitcoin adoption."

Coinfloor Slashes All Fees For Auto-Buying Bitcoin After 12 Months

All Coinfloor customers are able to get their fees on automated bitcoin buys slashed and fees for lump sum single buys have been halved.

U.K.’s Longest-Running Bitcoin Exchange Tackles Bitcoin’s “Stressful Sign-up” Problem

U.K. exchange Coinfloor has taken away some of the frictions and pain points from first attempting to buy BTC.

Coinfloor Is Riding A Bullish Bitcoin Wave With Baby Boomers

The legacy U.K. bitcoin exchange Coinfloor is working to onboard Baby Boomers to BTC, an increasingly attractive investing choice for the generation.

UK’s Oldest Crypto Exchange Prepares for Employee Layoffs

U.K.-based bitcoin exchange Coinfloor is bidding adieu to half of its staff.

Coinfloor Turns to Trading Technologies to Monitor Market Manipulation

The organization will utilize Trading Technologies' TT Score machine-learning technology so executives can examine and monitor suspicious activity occurring on their exchanges.
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