

Bitcoin or University: Which Investment Yields Greater Financial Freedom?

A look at whether Bitcoin or a University education is a wiser long term investment for one's financial freedom.

Exploring Bitcoin in the University: Preparing A Foundation For Widespread Adoption

A look at what role Bitcoin education has in the university setting from a professor teaching it.

Universities Should Offer Students Bitcoin To Improve Engagement And Increase Value

As universities see engagement dip and students question the value of higher education, incorporating bitcoin rewards could help.

Taking The Orange Pill Is Only The First Step. It’s Just As Important To Teach People About Bitcoin

Being a Bitcoiner is one part of the journey, but bitcoin adoption happens when we can teach others about the importance of hard, sound money.

Are Higher Education Institutions Starting To Embrace Bitcoin?

Professor Korok Ray explains how higher education is starting to embrace Bitcoin as an important subject to be teaching in the classroom.

Why Bitcoin Could Never Have Been Invented In a University

An invention like Bitcoin couldn’t be created in universities, but a shift toward interdisciplinary study can make further breakthroughs possible.

American University Of Paraguay To Accept Tuition Payments In Bitcoin

The American University of Paraguay will accept bitcoin tuition payments, ahead of forthcoming bitcoin legislation in the country.

University Of Pennsylvania Receives Anonymous $5 Million Bitcoin Donation

The University of Pennsylvania received a $5 million donation in bitcoin to support financial innovation at its Wharton business school.

Bitcoin Will Make You Rich, Not Attending A University

There’s an opportunity cost in every decision you make, but choosing to pay a university over buying bitcoin could cost more than you think.

Stanford Student Calls Out Crypto Professor for Inaccurate Bitcoin Lecture

Professor Susan Athey's presentation on “Blockchain and the Future of Finance" at the University of Stanford Graduate School provoked one student to protest its “multiple misstatements” about Bitcoin and its fundamentals.
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