

Crypto Regulation And Compliance: Navigating The Evolving Regulatory Landscape For Bitcoin

A look at regulations from the point of view of businesses that have to follow them.

Preston Pysh: Bitcoin Is Anti-Totalitarianism

The battle for financial freedom at the precipice of total government control hinges on our active engagement and collective commitment to protecting our liberties and Bitcoin's transformative potential.

Tax Attacks Won’t Kill Bitcoin: Regulators Must Learn To Accept New Technology

Calling Bitcoiners “tax evaders” or imposing arbitrary tariffs can’t stop the inevitable progression of technology.

Doctor Bitcoin, Jailed For Selling P2P, Warns Others They’ll Be Next

Bitcoin educational persona Doctor Bitcoin explains his recent arrest for selling BTC and warns that the government won’t stop with him.

How Will Bitcoin Navigate Government Attempts To Control It?

Policy is beginning to creep against bitcoin and it may affect the bitcoin price in the future so there are specific issues Bitcoiners should focus on.

Accounting For Bitcoin And Digital Assets: Everyone Loves Controversy

Current accounting guidelines provide virtually no upside for companies with bitcoin on their balance sheet — but this could change.

Despite Challenges, Nigerian Bitcoin Miners Are Poised To Profit

Nigeria is leading Africa in Bitcoin adoption, and miners there are overcoming regulatory and power grid challenges to find economic freedom.

Is Bitcoin A New Type Of Property?

Bitcoin may eventually be labeled as a brand new type of property in the U.S. and U.K. because it doesn’t physically exist in any one specific location.

Central Bank of Singapore To Release Bitcoin, Crypto Regulation Plans

The central bank will detail a framework to ensure businesses are properly regulated within its jurisdiction while encouraging business in the ecosystem.

Bitcoin Self-Custody Is Necessary For Financial Sovereignty

Bitcoin was designed to empower the individual through the separation of money and state. Self-custody wallets are integral in preserving that goal.
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