Polish Crypto Exchange Shuts Down Abruptly
Poland-based cryptocurrency exchange BitMarket has closed shop without warning, leaving customers high and dry.
bitFlyer Conducts European Study of Consumer Crypto Confidence
Japanese crypto and blockchain company bitFlyer released the results of a study assessing the public confidence in bitcoin and crypto assets of 10,000 people across 10 European nations.
Polish Credit Office to Deploy Blockchain Solution for Credit Histories
The Polish Credit Office BIK in partnership with Billon will implement a GDPR-compliant blockchain technology solution for storage and secure access to highly sensitive customer information.
Press Release: Polish Company First in the World to Sell Shares for Bitcoins
A Polish company, InPay S.A., is the first in the world whose shares are available for purchase in public offering using the digital currency...
Inteview: The Birth of the Bitfury 5GH USB ASIC
More and more people are getting involved with Bitcoins. More and more people are becoming interested in how to mine by themselves. Everybody can...
A Bitcoin Love Affair at El Passion
El Passion (http://www.elpassion.com), a small web design and mobile application development company with 23 employees based in Warsaw, Poland apparently has a passion for...