Upstream Data Files Lawsuit Against Crusoe Energy Systems For Bitcoin Mining Operations
BtcCasey -
The lawsuit alleges that Crusoe’s mining operations utilizing stranded natural gas infringe upon Upstream’s patent.
The U.S. Patent System Must Change In The Bitcoin Priced Deflationary Future
Bitcoiners understand that ideas are best built upon in a system that does not restrict innovation.
Square Launches Cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance To Protect Innovation
Square, the payments company with a penchant for Bitcoin and open-source development, has launched a membership organization to curb stifling patents.
Walmart Joins Corporate Coin Bandwagon, Files Patent for Stablecoin
The retail giant is considering entry into the corporation-controlled digital currency game. But it can’t compete with bitcoin.
PayPal Wins Patent for Ransomware Detection Solution
PayPal has been awarded a patent for a technique that can help with the timely detection and reduction of ransomware attacks, claiming that attackers frequently "demand that the user pay him some amount of anonymous crypto-currency (e.g., BitCoin) in order to have the user's files decrypted so that they are accessible again."
Coinbase Seeks Patent for Security-Enhanced Bitcoin Payment System
U.S.-based digital currency exchange Coinbase has filed a patent on a new bitcoin payment system designed to make cryptocurrency payments safer.
Intel Releases Patent for New Cryptocurrency Mining Accelerator
Intel, one of the world’s largest semiconductor companies, has filed a patent for a new Bitcoin mining chip accelerator. Entitled “Bitcoin Mining Hardware Accelerator...
Halong Mining Is the First Bitcoin Mining Hardware Producer to Implement Overt AsicBoost
After joining the Blockchain Defensive Patent License, Halong Mining has announced that it is embedding AsicBoost in its DragonMint mining hardware.
Slush Pool is Now Compatible With AsicBoost Bitcoin Miners
Slush Pool, which currently claims about 11 percent of total hash power on the Bitcoin network, is compatible with AsicBoost, starting immediately.
Week in Review for March 3, 2018: Bitcoin Developments and Cryptocurrency Adoption
Here are some of the headlines from this past week in the Bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrency space.