

Bitcoin Fundamentalism: The Moral And Logical High Ground

A sect of Bitcoin Maximalists known as Bitcoin Fundamentalists are taking over the movement. But is this fundamentalism a threat to Bitcoin or its greatest ally?

‘Bitcoin Has Failed,’ The 2022 Edition

Why the nearly-14-year-old cryptocurrency has lost its luster … according to the “experts.” There are better options in 2022.

Bitcoin Will Find Success Via Ultimate Utility

Bitcoiners should lean into the utility of bitcoin while recognizing the problems with the incumbunt systems.

Why Bitcoiners Must Reclaim The Maximalism Label

Bitcoin Maximalists should reclaim that label and refocus on what it means to build a future built on BTC only.

Who Cares About Bitcoin Maximalism?

Trying to define and apply the label of Bitcoin Maximalism is a non-productive criticism that obscures more than it clarifies.

A Newcomer’s Perspective On Toxic Bitcoin Maximalism

Toxic Bitcoin Maximalism can serve an important purpose to ward off newcomers from scams and altcoins, but is there a time when the toxicity is too much?

How We Should Really Think About Bitcoin Maximalism

There has been a lot of digital ink spilled about the concept of Bitcoin Maximalism, but there are things the critics don’t understand.

Going Down With The Ship: Bitcoin Or Nothing

A world without Bitcoin, where you own nothing and have no privacy, is not worth living in. A reminder and dedication for Bitcoin’s classes of 2019, 2020 and 2021.

What Sets Bitcoin Apart From Other Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin is in a league of its own compared to other cryptocurrencies and it’s important to know the distinction to protect financial freedom.

Why You Should Sell Your Bitcoin

21 + 21 more reasons why you should sell all of your bitcoin now.
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