The Fast Relay Network, also known as Matt Corallo's Relay Network, is a relatively straightforward relay network setup by Corallo, and has existed for some years. The Fast Relay Network consists of nine nodes, distributed strategically around the globe. Designed as a hub-and-spoke model, miners can connect to the relay node closest to them to send and receive blocks over this network. This is significantly faster than Bitcoin's peer-to-peer network.
John Jegutanis, co-founder of bitcoin and altcoin mobile walletCoinomi, recently proposed the concept of ”Soft Blocks“ to help scale Bitcoin. Soft Blocks, Jegutanis says,...
Corallo's relay network serves two distinct purposes. First, it adds diversity to Bitcoin. Rather than just needing to rely on the peer-to-peer network, Bitcoin users can opt to receive transaction data and blocks through an alternative channel. This makes it harder to successfully attack the Bitcoin network; the relay network functions as a fallback. But the second, and more important reason, is a potential decrease of network latency.