HomeTagsMatt Corallo

Matt Corallo

BIP 8, BIP 9 or Modern Soft Fork Activation: How Bitcoin Could Upgrade Next

As Taproot, the latest consensus protocol change, approaches activation, Bitcoin developers are asking how exactly the network should be upgraded.

With Stratum V2, Braiins Plans Big Overhaul in Pooled Bitcoin Mining

Announcing the second-generation mining pool protocol.

Bitcoin 2019: A Peer-to-Peer Conference for the Whole Bitcoin Community

Billed as “A Peer-to-Peer Conference,” Bitcoin 2019 will be held at SVN West in San Francisco, California, hosted by BTC Inc., from June 25–26, 2019.

BetterHash Protocol Lets Pool Miners Regain Control Over Their Hash Power

Matt Corallo's BetterHash mining protocol is intended to significantly decrease the problems associated with mining pool centralization.

Christian Decker on Bitcoin Network Improvements, Tradeoffs and Finding the Block Size “Sweet Spot”

At the core of Bitcoin’s scaling debate has been the block size limit. For better or worse, the majority of the discussions about scaling...

Decline in Empty Blocks Has Increased Bitcoin’s Transaction Capacity

Empty blocks have turned into a controversial topic in the Bitcoin community over the past few months. This renewed attention on the topic has...

How Falcon, FIBRE and the Fast Relay Network Speed Up Bitcoin Block Propagation (Part 2)

The Fast Relay Network, also known as Matt Corallo's Relay Network, is a relatively straightforward relay network setup by Corallo, and has existed for some years. The Fast Relay Network consists of nine nodes, distributed strategically around the globe. Designed as a hub-and-spoke model, miners can connect to the relay node closest to them to send and receive blocks over this network. This is significantly faster than Bitcoin's peer-to-peer network.

Why the Great Firewall of China Is Causing Serious Issues for Bitcoin Miners

What’s wrong with increasing the block size limit? This is the question that a portion of the Bitcoin community has been asking almost nonstop...

Coinomi Founder John Jegutanis: Scale Bitcoin by Decreasing Latency

John Jegutanis, co-founder of bitcoin and altcoin mobile walletCoinomi, recently proposed the concept of ”Soft Blocks“ to help scale Bitcoin. Soft Blocks, Jegutanis says,...

How a Bitcoin Backbone Gives Small Miners a Leg Up: Matt Corrallo’s Relay Network

Corallo's relay network serves two distinct purposes. First, it adds diversity to Bitcoin. Rather than just needing to rely on the peer-to-peer network, Bitcoin users can opt to receive transaction data and blocks through an alternative channel. This makes it harder to successfully attack the Bitcoin network; the relay network functions as a fallback. But the second, and more important reason, is a potential decrease of network latency.
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