

‘Bitcoin And Nothing Else’: Why Former PayPal, Meta Executive David Marcus Is Building On The Lightning Network

David Marcus, whose payments-focused career has included stints at PayPal and Meta, is now leading Lightspark to propel Bitcoin adoption.

Op Ed: In China, It’s Blockchain and Tyranny vs Bitcoin and Freedom

China’s centralized blockchains couldn’t be any farther from Bitcoin’s. Designed for maximum control, they will become tools for improved surveillance and social engineering.

Op Ed: In the Battle Between Libra and a Digital Dollar, Bitcoin Will Win

People will quickly realize that libra, a digital U.S. dollar or any other centralized digital currency will not improve their finances or well-being.

Cartoon: A Question of Trust

As in the legend of William Tell, Mark Zuckerberg better prove to be a good shot if people are going to trust libra as much as they trust bitcoin.

China’s Central Bank Digital Currency Undergoes “Restricted Access Test”

China’s central bank digital currency has begun a “restricted access test” to simulate payment scenarios between parties.

Research Paper: Bitcoin Disrupts International Monetary Policy

A recently published economic research paper argues that a global cryptocurrency would make international monetary policy impossible.

Chinese Authority Pushes Back on Central Bank Digital Currency Report

A source tied to China’s central bank has pushed back against reports about the country’s central bank digital currency.

Binance Announces New Stablecoin Venus

Binance’s Venus stablecoin project has been described as the “one-belt-one-road” version of Libra.

Blockchain Research Institute’s Alex Tapscott Doubles Down on Bitcoin

Alex Tapscott, co-founder of the Blockchain Research Institute, on his upcoming report, Facebook’s libra and why bitcoin is an “unstoppable force.”

China’s Central Bank to Accelerate Development of Fiat Digital Currency

In a video conference, the People’s Bank of China stated that it will accelerate the research and development of its fiat digital currency.
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