

Bill Barhydt on Abra’s Pivot From P2P Money Transfers to “Crypto Banking”

Abra is a bitcoin-powered investment and payments app that first came to light at Launch Festival 2015 where it won the top prize at...

De Soto Inc.: Where Eminent Domain Meets the Blockchain

An interview with Patrick Byrne and Hernando de Soto of De Soto Inc.

Edge’s Paul Puey: “Digital Security Will Take Place on the Edges”

Security is one of the hottest topics in today’s ever-evolving digital world. A steady flow of debate continues to take place at tech forums...

Qtum Forges Ahead with Development of Its x86 Virtual Machine and Expanded Network

Qtum is on the move with the announcement of a partnership with Baofeng to begin running 50,000 full Qtum nodes and an upcoming x86...

Tim Swanson: Enterprise Blockchain is in a “Trough of Disillusionment”

This week on Let’s Talk Bitcoin, Tim Swanson discusses the state of enterprise blockchain development.

Interview: Cryptographer Silvio Micali on Bitcoin, Ethereum and Proof of Stake

Silvio Micali is an MIT professor and Turing Award–winning cryptographer known for his work in technologies that form the bedrock of blockchains today: public-key...

Interview With Roger Ver: His Plans to Start a New Libertarian Country

Imagine a country where you could live free without a central government telling you who to be, what to do and how to act....

An Interview With Kavita Gupta, ConsenSys’s Pick to Oversee Its New $50M Venture Fund

ConsenSys, an Ethereum production studio based in Brooklyn, NY, is launching a $50 million venture arm, and it has picked Kavita Gupta to run...

Banking on Bitcoin Available on Netflix: A Good Intro to Bitcoin in Need of a Sequel

The independent film Banking on Bitcoin, covering Bitcoin's roots, its possible futures and its underlying technology, is now on Netflix. “Bitcoin is the most...

How the Blockstream Satellite Will Drive Bitcoin Adoption: An Interview with Adam Back and Chris Cook

Last week Bitcoin Magazinecovered the announcement of Blockstream Satellite, a new service that broadcasts real-time Bitcoin blockchain data from satellites in space to almost...
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