

Powering African Youth’s Financial Revolution With Bitcoin

There are various initiatives designed to empower Africans to educate themselves on Bitcoin and exercise their own financial sovereignty.

As The U.K. Questions Its Financial Future, Britain’s Bitcoin Island Takes Satoshis

Why is this British isle undergoing hyperbitcoinization, and what could this mean for the U.K.’s monetary future?

Creating Hope In A Business Owner’s Life With Bitcoin Adoption

In the first of several tales of orange pilling, a business owner in Portugal is shown the power of adopting sound money.

You Are Responsible For Introducing Those Around You To Bitcoin

Every Bitcoiner should seriously consider the time they spend educating those around them about the technology.

Five Reasons Why American Cities Will Be The Engine Of The U.S. Bitcoin Economy

While as of late American cities have been in decline, their unique dynamics lend themselves to great potential for Bitcoin adoption.

Building Bitcoin Communities From The Ground Up In The Philippines

A key to gaining adoption in local communities is having on the ground educational resources available to business owners and customers.

Why Argentina Is Saying, “Viva La Bitcoin Revolution!”

For a country in which hyperinflation has become an expectation, bitcoin is a potential for real savings.

Bitcoin Is Responsibility Go Up Technology

Without responsibility, freedom is meaningless. So Bitcoin is not just freedom money, it is responsible money, powered by RGU technology.

Bitcoin Will Replace SWIFT Before It Replaces Visa

Bitcoin is a perfect fit as a means of exchange for entities who would traditionally make up the majority of transactions on SWIFT.

Podcasting 2.0 Will Bring Bitcoin To The Masses

Podcasting 2.0 has the potential to be the first “killer app” outside of using bitcoin as a sound savings vehicle, likely bringing bitcoin to the masses.
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