The ECB Economists Aren’t Exactly Wrong About Bitcoin (They’re Just Useless)
A recent paper from the ECB in which the authors claim the existence of Bitcoin could impoverish non-holders and latecomers drew the ire from many bitcoiners... but isn’t this essentially what hyperbitcoinization is?
What Does Hyperbitcoinization Look Like?
What does hyperbitcoinization mean? It is a term Bitcoiners use quite frequently, but what does it actually mean in terms of how things play out?
Balaji Srinivasan’s $1 Million Bitcoin Bet: Was There A Method To The Madness?
Betting $1 million that the bitcoin price would hit $1 million by June 17, 2023, Balaji Srinivasan raised questions about his convictions.
Breaking Dollar Hegemony, BRICS Nations Are Leading The World To Hyperbitcoinization
How the emergence of BRICS as an alternative to the U.S. dollar’s global dominance will usher in worldwide bitcoin adoption.
Are You Too Late To Bitcoin?
What is the “top” for an immutable money that becomes the standard for humanity? Why it’s time to get off zero.
Governments Could Still Hamper Money And Energy, Even On A Bitcoin Standard
Even after Bitcoin inevitably becomes the world reserve currency and bitcoin mining solves our energy problems, governments will intervene.
Will Bitcoin Be Used By The Entire World?
Worldwide adoption of bitcoin could mean smoother, more equitable trade and more financial access for those currently excluded.
Building The Bitcoin Standard In Portugal
Portugal’s beautiful landscape, freedom-minded people and friendly legislation make it a perfect Bitcoin homeland.
The U.S. Will Weaponize The Dollar By Backing It With Bitcoin
The United States government is likely to back the dollar with bitcoin in order to protect its status as issuer of the global reserve currency.
How The United States Weaponizes The Dollar To Retain Global Hegemony
The dollar wrecking ball is hurting emerging markets and competing currencies alike. Will the U.S. be the last country to print the global reserve currency?