

6 Reasons To Own Bitcoin In Retirement

Reasons to consider owning bitcoin in a retirement portfolio -- from outpacing healthcare inflation to managing long-term bond risk.

Fiat Mindsets Are Making My Patients Unhealthy, But Bitcoin Can Help

Debasement of fiat currency creates financial dependence and fosters unhealthy lifestyles, while Bitcoin can change our thinking and health.

Empowerment Over Fear: Bitcoin, Home Birth And Responsible Sovereignty

“I've gained a lot of sovereignty through … Bitcoin, and I'm equally grateful that my partner has done the same by choosing home birth.”

How Bitcoin Can Radically Improve The Healthcare System For Patients

If healthcare providers were to adopt bitcoin, patients would see free-market and affordability improvements.

The Intersection Of Bitcoin And Medical Tourism

Medical tourism can be made more affordable and accessible through the use of bitcoin, which avoids issues with currency conversions and international payments.

Could Medical Debt Be The Black Swan Event That Takes Down The US Economy?

While inflation runs hot and rising interest rates don’t seem to help, health care and medical debt may be the thing that takes the country by surprise.

Bitcoin’s Role In The Rise Of Crowdsourced Health Insurance

Bitcoin’s unique attributes enhance the efficiency of crowdsourcing healthcare related costs for both patients and companies.

At Underground Citadel, Bitcoiners Learned How To Build Sovereign Lives

Last month, at the fifth Underground Citadel event in Texas, attendees learned skills to help achieve more freedom from incumbent systems.

The Price Of Principles

It is my hope that a transition to a world on a Bitcoin standard will re-center the focus of medicine on the doctor-patient relationship.

Bitcoin Incentivizes Patient-Centered Healthcare For Millions Of Americans

Why a new healthcare system should be the first product developed in Web5 to offer equitable, affordable and patient-centered healthcare for Americans.
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