Frankie Wallace

Frankie Wallace
Frankie Wallace is a freelance writer from the Pacific Northwest. She enjoys writing about technology, sustainability, and speculating about the future, but occasionally goes back to her roots with socially active journalism. Frankie spends her free time cultivating her zero waste garden or off hiking in the mountains of the PNW with her loved ones.

The Intersection Of Bitcoin And Medical Tourism

Medical tourism can be made more affordable and accessible through the use of bitcoin, which avoids issues with currency conversions and international payments.

Bitcoin’s Role In The Rise Of Crowdsourced Health Insurance

Bitcoin’s unique attributes enhance the efficiency of crowdsourcing healthcare related costs for both patients and companies.

How Using Bitcoin Enhances Customer Experiences

Bitcoin is a powerful tool for businesses and services seeking to operate on the best monetary standard for their customers.

Bitcoin Can Finance Growth In The Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry has many reasons to look to bitcoin as a way to grow and improve relationships with their customers.

Tips For Building A Business On Bitcoin

Bitcoin can make a significant difference for a business’s market appeal and revenue stream. Accept bitcoin and grow your company like never before.

Bitcoin’s Promise For The Fourth Industrial Revolution

The evolution of finance that Bitcoin represents will bring impacts comparable to the Industrial Revolution.

A Future Where We Work From Home And Get Paid In Bitcoin

Paying employees in bitcoin offers several benefits and there are numerous desirable payment attributes for remote workers.

Op Ed: A Closer Look at the Origins of DASH (Part 2)

Part one of this two-part series covered an introduction to and overview of DASH. On March 29, 2014, Evan Duffield posted “the story of how Darkcoin came about” in hopes of...

Op Ed: A Closer Look Into DASH (Part 1)

Digital Cash (DASH) is a proof of work digital currency with self-governance and self-funding capabilities through the use of masternodes (MNs).The main announcement can be found here and the...
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