

Bitcoin: A New Hope for Innovators in Corrupt Economies

Bitcoin is much more than just an investment asset for developed economies, it can be a tool for innovators all over the world currently walled out of the global economy.

These Two Kids Are Making $30,000 A Month Mining Bitcoin

Ishaan Thakur, 14, and his sister, Aanya, 9, earn $30,000 each month by mining bitcoin, a lucrative business scaled up during the summer.

Op Ed: The New Age of Blockchain Entrepreneurship

As the new year approaches, many aspiring entrepreneurs may consider taking a leap into the world of Bitcoin, blockchains and distributed ledger technologies. Allow...

Searching for Practical Applications of Bitcoin and Blockchain at Money 20/20

Money 20/20, often touted as the world’s largest fintech conference, begins today at The Venetian in Las Vegas. The event is expected to attract over 10,000...

Bitcoin Must Be About the Mission Rather than the Money, Says MIT Media Lab Founder Nicholas Negroponte at Scaling Bitcoin

Legendary Internet pioneer Nicholas Negroponte, a founder of the MIT Media Laband the One Laptop per Child initiative (OLPC), gave a controversial talk at theScaling Bitcoin workshop in Montreal.The Scaling Bitcoin workshop has...

UBS Launches Future of Finance Challenge for Fintech Entrepreneurs and Startups

In April, Bitcoin Magazinereported that UBS was planning to investigate blockchain technology in a new innovation lab based in London. The innovation lab located in Level39,...

Houston Bitcoin Embassy Opens

Houston, we have a problem. We need more cutting edge tech entrepreneurs.Luckily there’s a new space in Houston, Texas, built just for that, provided...

Meet the Central Texas Ladies of Bitcoin, Women Pioneering the Crypto Space Through Entrepreneurship

By: Catherine BleishCentral Texas has always been a hotbed of progressive thought and action. It is currently one of the most thriving Bitcoin meccas...

A Q&A with the CEO of BitNation

BitNation is described as offering a “full range of services traditionally done by governments.” Included in this are secure ID systems, block chain dispute...

Being an Entrepreneur is Really Hard

Written by Jason King of Sean’s Outpost and reposted with his permission fromreddit.For over a week now, I’ve been trying to write a year...
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