

John Scianna’s Draper University Campaign

My friend John Scianna, an active participant in the bitcoin community (and writer for Bitcoin Magazine), is working to attend Draper University and needs...

Bitcoin Magazine Congratulates Team Member, Vitalik Buterin

Bitcoin Magazine would like to congratulate former Lead Writer and now Editorial Board Member, Vitalik Buterin, on his receipt of the Peter Thiel Fellowship...

The Beauty of Bitcoin Bank Runs

Bitcoin exchanges are going through hard times. In the span of a month, Mt. Gox has gone bankrupt, Flexcoin has shut down due to...

CoinSummit San Francisco

San Francisco’s CoinSummit is less than a month away. This is a two day event connecting virtual currency entrepreneurs, angel and VC investors, hedge...

Coinsetter CEO: How to Survive Regulation in the Bitcoin Space

Over the past six months, we have seen federal and state regulators place increasing attention on Bitcoin and similar financial innovations. Shortly after the...
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