Christian Decker
Explaining CheckTemplateVerify, Bitcoin’s Latest Controversial Soft Fork Proposal
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CheckTemplateVerify (CTV) is meant to enable more flexibility on the network, but its potential activation is a topic of debate among developers.
The Bolt-A-Thon Sequel to Spark Lightning Innovation
The second Bolt-A-Thon will take place via livestream in December 2019. Presentations and a hackathon are expected to boost the Lightning Network.
21 Lectures Offers Bitcoin Developer Courses by Schnelli, Decker and Chiang
Betschart says that the program’s primary goal is to get more software developers to contribute to Bitcoin’s open source projects: He and his team are “not interested in making a profit.”
Blockstream Releases Lightning Charge, Launches Test E-Commerce Store
Following the release of the first Bitcoin Lightning Network white paper, published in February 2015, developers have been working on Lightning Network implementations to...
Developers Release Lightning Protocol 1.0; Perform Successful Interoperability Tests
Blockchain developers ACINQ, Blockstream and Lightning Labs, are announcing the 1.0 release of the Lightning protocol and the world’s first Lightning test payments on...
Christian Decker on Bitcoin Network Improvements, Tradeoffs and Finding the Block Size “Sweet Spot”
At the core of Bitcoin’s scaling debate has been the block size limit. For better or worse, the majority of the discussions about scaling...
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