Tomer Strolight

Tomer Strolight
“Tomer Strolight is the Editor in Chief at Swan Bitcoin. He began his career as a Bitcoin writer in February of 2021 with the Why Bitcoin Series, which can be downloaded as an ebook at More of his writing is available at their blog and at”

History Happens Right Before Your Eyes

History is not always some ancient moment in time. It is constant and changes rapidly over the course of time. We get to witness some of it in the present.

Bitcoin, Bitcoiners, Truth, Beauty And Love

For Bitcoiners to embrace a fight is to take time away from the natural truth and love that Bitcoin leads people to.

The Blocksize War’s Cyber-Soldier Freedom-Fighters

The Blocksize Wars were “fought” … but by whom? And what do we really mean by fighting?

Bitcoin And The Most Valuable Brands Of The 21st Century

Bitcoin provides value that surpasses the brand value of the U.S. dollar, as the code provides the utility of superior money.

The Zen Of Knowing Your Opinion On Bitcoin Doesn’t Matter

At the end of the day, the fact that our opinion has no bearing on Bitcoin is a good thing.

The Bitcoin Is Generational Wealth Film

“Bitcoin Is Generational Wealth” is a short film exploring the potential Bitcoin has across generations.

Why Bitcoin’s Rules Are Enforced By Physics

The laws which govern our physical realm are the foundation upon which Bitcoin is built, as immutability would require.
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