Marty Bent

Marty Bent

Lightning Network May Have A Channel Jamming Problem

Developers are working out ways to brainstorm potential problems and test their solutions for certain shortcomings of the Lightning Network.

The War On Financial Privacy Is Escalating

The stakes have never been higher. The state is losing its grasp of control over the people and it is doubling down on utter incompetence and nefariousness.

Is Bitcoin A New Type Of Property?

Bitcoin may eventually be labeled as a brand new type of property in the U.S. and U.K. because it doesn’t physically exist in any one specific location.

Expanding Bitcoin Custody Models With FediMint

The Fedi team is using the ideas behind Chaumian Ecash to develop alternative custody solutions in order to onboard many more people to bitcoin.

Three Bitcoin Mining Downward Difficulty Adjustments In A Row

This will be the third mining difficulty downward adjustment in a row with four downward adjustments over the course of the last five difficulty epochs.

Ignore The Unproductive Central Planners And Use Bitcoin

To fully cut the unproductive class away from the levers of control, the productive class must use bitcoin to secure the layers outside of money.

Blockstream Announces Progress On Signature Aggregation Research

Signature aggregation could bring massive data-efficiency benefits to the network as well as open up more unique use cases, demonstrating bear market building.

We Need To Encrypt The Peer-To-Peer Layer Of Bitcoin For Privacy

By making traffic between network peers encrypted, Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 324 can improve privacy by hiding node locations and other private data.

What Does The Financial Action Task Force Have In Store For Bitcoin?

The FATF released meeting notes hinting at an upcoming report on recommendations for business compliance with the Travel Rule and “unhosted wallets.”

Is Bitcoin A Warning Sign For Global Deleveraging?

Bitcoin has no lender of last resort for those who take undue risks. Bitcoin’s recent leverage cleansing is par for the course for a truly scarce asset.
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