Julia Tourianski

Julia Tourianski
Julia Tourianski (also known as Brave the World) is a promoter of anti-state mentality. She makes videos, writes articles, and helps organize events such as Toronto's Liberty Now. Julia has close ties with the Ludvig Von Mises Institute of Canada, where she is a contributor and volunteer. She's known to say that she's in a love affair with private property, the free-market, non-aggression, self-ownership, and freedom. Oh, and her bitcoin address ends with ""FU,"" which is quite telling.

How To Be A Bitcoin Hater

So you don’t really know what bitcoin is, which leaves you with two options: research, and not research. Now, like with most things in life, you should always go...

My 2 Cents for Your 2 Cents: Cryptiv Empowering Content Creators

There’s a simple reason as to why strippers in the USA get more tips than strippers in Canada: the dollar bill. Canadian strippers miss out on gain because throwing...

The Declaration of Bitcoin’s Independence

We have been brought to a point where it has become necessary to dissolve the bond between currency and institution. We are not required to declare the causes which...
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