Jimmy Song

Jimmy Song
Jimmy Song is a Bitcoin developer, educator and entrepreneur. He's a programmer with over 20 years experience, an open source contributor to many different Bitcoin projects and the author of Programming Bitcoin from O'Reilly, The Little Bitcoin Book, Thank God for Bitcoin and BItcoin and the American Dream. Jimmy has been a lecturer at the University of Texas, an expert witness in legal cases involving Bitcoin and is an advisor to multiple companies. Jimmy writes a weekly newsletter, Bitcoin Tech Talk and has a podcast Bitcoin Fixes This.

Bitcoin Songsheet: How Fiat Money Ruins Civilization

Fiat money leads to a degradation of incentives, creating a society motivated only by the consumption of resources and zero value production.

Bitcoin Songsheet: Bitcoin Maximalism Is The Continuation Of The Cypherpunk Ethic

Examining the various innovations that led to the Bitcoin white paper shows us that only Bitcoin continues the Cypherpunk ethos.

Bitcoin Songsheet: Fiat Money Has Debased Having Children

The structure of familial support has been replaced with the encouragement of rent seeking and reliance on government.

Bitcoin Songsheet: How Altcoiners Use Bitcoin To Rent Seek

Though altcoins use Bitcoin to gain people’s trust, they’re simply a reimagining of fiat incentive alignment.

After 21 Bitcoin Songsheets, A Call To Bitcoiners: Fiat Delenda Est

To end the contagion of rent-seeking, ubiquitous politics and lack of truth, we must destroy the fiat system.

Fiat Infects Relationships With High Time-Preference

Relationships are another victim of the high time-preference infection created by fiat money.

Bitcoin Songsheet: Fiat Politics Suck

The Blocksize Wars were an example of Bitcoin resisting the fiat politics played on every level of society.

How Replacing Reality With Fiat Falsehoods Destroys Meaning

Finding direction in a fiat world is like using a compass that’s lost its magnetization, leaving it to spin free and unabated.

Fiat Knowledge: Only Bitcoin Creates A Culture That Rewards Verification

Fiat knowledge is a result of information sources being centralized and misaligned in incentives.

Bitcoin Songsheet: The Fiat Reality Of Real Estate

When human living space becomes an investment and store of value, the ownership of said land becomes distorted and centralized.
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