Dave Birnbaum

Dave Birnbaum
As the product director at Coinbits, Dave Birnbaum leads a team that is making Bitcoin user friendly for the next generation of Bitcoiners. He is a prolific inventor, with dozens of patents in fintech, VR, communications and more. He lives outside of Nashville.

Inside Lebanon’s Currency Crisis: How Hyperinflation Feels

A look at the lived experience of going through hyperinflation in Lebanon.

Settled, But Not Really: The Privacy Gap in Bitcoin’s ‘Final’ Transactions

A look at privacy and payment finality in Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Personas: How Coinbits Approaches Crafting User Experience

A look at how Coinbits profiles different users in order to craft their user experience to meet the needs of different users.

Bitcoin Is Physical: Bits And Bytes Have To Live Somewhere

Even digital pieces of data cannot exist without having a physical presence in computer memory somewhere.

Less Is More For Driving Bitcoin Adoption: Come For The Curiosity, Stay For The Revolution

Educators need a “minimum-viable knowledge” framework to help newcomers appreciate what Bitcoin offers them.
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