

As Zimbabwe’s Fiat Currency Crashes Again, Bitcoin Adoption Is Poised To Last

Recent efforts from Zimbabwe’s reserve bank to bolster its local currency signal the return of rampant inflation and the need for Bitcoin.

Reviewing The Best Bitcoin Lightning Wallets For Slow-Internet Regions

In regions where the internet is slow or unstable, using Bitcoin’s Lightning Network can be a challenge. What are the best tools available?

Proof Of Resilience: Financial Freedom Through Bitcoin In Africa

Bitcoin offers financial opportunities that have been explicitly taken from Africans in recent history.

Proof Of Resilience — Zimbabwe Can Use Bitcoin To Change Its Future

Zimbabwe, currently faced with incredible inflation and tough sanctions, could massively benefit from increased adoption of the open network of Bitcoin.

Nonprofit Bitcoin For Fairness Announces Travel to Zimbabwe, Zambia

Founder Anita Posch will also travel to Nigeria and Latin America later this year to further Bitcoin education, human-rights activism, and privacy.

Report: Zimbabwe Government Consulting Private Sector On Legalizing Bitcoin

The government of Zimbabwe is reportedly considering adopting Bitcoin as legal payment service.

Op Ed: Bitcoin in Africa, What Needs to Be Done to Encourage Adoption?

If Bitcoin is to help Africa catch up with the rest of the world, what is preventing Africans from adopting the cryptocurrency?

Op Ed: Africa Needs More Bitcoin and Blockchain Education

Africa, the continent with the most countries in the world and 54 currencies could benefit immensely from more digital currency and blockchain education. I...

BitMari’s Farmers Accelerator Program Aims to “Decolonize African Agricultural Economies”

Jewish philosopher Maimonides once said, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you...

Andreas Auction of Ten Trillion Dollars… for Charity!

Between the efforts of Jason King and Andreas Antonopoulos, Coins in the Kingdom might secure its place as the most charitable Bitcoin conference of...
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