Chris Derose

Chris Derose

Genecoin: DNA for the Blockchain

While it’s a common refrain in the Bitcoin universe that the Blockchain will have countless uses for the storage and management of scarcity in our lives, it’s still a...

Counterparty and the Asset Revolution

Transcription:How many of you heard of Counterparty (github)? Awesome, wonderful, that’s encouraging sign. How many of you have a Counterparty asset (counterwallet github)? Oh wow, I am in a...

Andreas Auction of Ten Trillion Dollars… for Charity!

Between the efforts of Jason King and Andreas Antonopoulos, Coins in the Kingdom might secure its place as the most charitable Bitcoin conference of the year. At the end...

An Interview with Stan Stalnaker about Ven and Hub Culture

Coins In The Kingdom Wrap Up

Though the price of Bitcoin is shaky, and the mood of Bitcoiners is somber, Jason King is throwing quite a party down in Orlando, Florida. Coins in the Kingdom...

Bracing for Bitcoin in Buenos Aires

A Trip to the EmbassyThe Entrance to Bitcoin Embassy. Subtle, and unimposing.There is a large, imposing steel door along a popular street, in the bustling downtown business hub of...
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