Bitcoin Developers Have Technical Expertise That Users Don’t
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Bitcoin is defined by its users, but how many node operators understand and verify protocol changes on a nuanced and deeply technical level?
The Challenges With Fully Syncing Old Versions Of Bitcoin Core
Improvements in Bitcoin Core have led to an increase in the speed at which a Bitcoin node can fully sync and process all the data being added to the blockchain.
Should The Bitcoin “Dust Limit” Be Removed?
Should the “dust limit,” which denies Bitcoin transactions below a certain output value, be removed?
Secure the Bag: Cutting Transactions in Half to Resolve Bitcoin Network Congestion
Bitcoin Core contributor Jeremy Rubin may have figured out how to reliably smooth out network congestion, increasing Bitcoin’s throughput in peak hours.
The “Noinput Class”: How a Bitcoin Soft Fork Could Simplify Lightning
A group of Bitcoin and Lightning developers working on a new class of “sighash flags” could simplify fallback for Lightning Network payments channels.
Bitcoin Core 0.18.0 Release: Here’s What’s New
Bitcoin Core 0.18.0 includes the typical range of performance improvements and bug fixes, as well as some new features. Here’s an overview of some of the most significant changes.
Op Ed: The Many Faces of Sharding for Blockchain Scalability
Any programmer who has ever sat down to build a DApp at one point has had to think about the limits of current public...
Blockstream Releases Lightning Charge, Launches Test E-Commerce Store
Following the release of the first Bitcoin Lightning Network white paper, published in February 2015, developers have been working on Lightning Network implementations to...
Breaking Bitcoin: Paris is Set to Host a New Technical Bitcoin Conference
A brand new technical conference is hitting the Bitcoin space this week.Loosely inspired by the well-known Scaling Bitcoin workshops, the French Bitcoin community will...
A Beginner’s Guide to Claiming Your “Bitcoin Cash” (and Selling It)
Here's what you can do with your BCH if/when the first block is discovered.
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