

Op Ed: Lightning Network Consensus Is a Marketplace and That’s Okay!

"There is no such thing as consensus on the Lightning Network; instead, we have compatibility. That means you can literally break the rules of the majority, as long as there are other people that have an incentive to break the rules with you. "

Op Ed: Why Bitcoin’s “Toxic” Maximalism Makes Sense

Over the years, Bitcoin has gained a reputation for having a “toxic” community of users around it. But there is a logical reason that some Bitcoin users get extremely angry at certain members of the greater crypto asset community.

Bad News Bears: Cryptocurrency Stories of 2017 That Brought Us Down

2017 has seen its spate of both good and bad stories for all sides of the cryptocurrency space. Whether you believe in dutch tulips...

Bitcoin’s Scaling Challenge Brings the Battle for Liberation of Cyberspace

This year brought a climax in the prolonged Bitcoin block size debate. Heated disputes over scaling that have become toxic in the ecosystem have...

Bitcoin’s Journey from $1,000 to $10,000: The Stories That Got Us Here

In random order, these were some of the biggest stories that impacted bitcoin’s journey from $1,000 to $10,000 in 2017.

Now the SegWit2x Hard Fork Has Really Failed to Activate

In case there were any remaining doubts, it now seems clear that the SegWit2x hard fork will not happen.

NO2X: Hard Fork “Suspended” Due to Lack of Consensus

There will almost certainly be no Bitcoin hard fork next week: the main organizers behind the SegWit2x project have “suspended” their efforts.

Scaling Bitcoin 2017: Science Is Central in Stanford (and the Politics Ignored)

Stanford University hosted the fourth edition of the Scaling Bitcoin conference from November 4–5: “Scaling Bitcoin 2017: Scaling the Edge.”

These International Bitcoin Communities Are Rejecting SegWit2x

The hard fork part of the New York Agreement is scheduled to take place within about two weeks. But not everyone is onboard.
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