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Seed Phrase

10 Steps to Self-Sovereignty with Bitcoin

A review of the "10 Steps to Self-Sovereignty" Bitcoin education series powered by Ledger.

The Infosec Basics: How to Keep Your Bitcoin Seed Phrase Secure

Security is priority #1 when it comes to keeping your bitcoin safe. A simple guide on how to keep your seed phrase private and secure. The fourth installment of “10 Steps to Self-Sovereignty” powered by Ledger.

The Worst Ways To Lose Your Bitcoin

There are plenty of horror stories describing how unsuspecting holders have lost their bitcoin. Avoid them, or pay the price.

How To Protect Your Bitcoin Seed Phrase With The Kiboruto Stainless-Steel Backup

The Kiboruto stainless-steel backup can protect your bitcoin seed phrase, even in the event of fire or flooding.

The Benefits Of Storing Private Keys Using SeedQR

The new SeedQR format allows users to store their private key seed phrases as QR codes, which makes recovery and retrieval easier for bitcoin users.

New Mnemonics For Memorizing Bitcoin Seed Phrases

While you might only know seed phrases as 12 or 24 words, there are a variety of ways for humans to memorize information.

Border Wallets: A New Way to Create and Easily Memorize Bitcoin Seed Phrases

Using patterns to remember bitcoin seed phrases is a useful tool which can come in handy if someone is needing to move across borders without being detected.

A Review Of Cryptotag’s Multi-Share Titanium Seed Phrase Solution, Odin

In this product review. I took a look at Cryptotag's titanium backup solution for self-custody using Shamir Secret Sharing with a Trezor wallet.

How To Use A Bitcoin Hardware Wallet

This guide to using a bitcoin hardware wallet explains everything you need to know to securely store and control your bitcoin.

How To Protect Your Bitcoin From Emergency With The BitPlates Domino

Preserving your Bitcoin wallet recovery seed is critical to self sovereignty. Here’s how to do so with the BitPlates Domino steel backup plate.
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