

Take It Easy, Man: The Philosophies Behind Bitcoin And ‘The Big Lebowski’

Dudeism, a philosophy inspired by “The Big Lebowski,” shares some core tenants that should intrigue Bitcoiners.

In God We Trust, All Others Pay In Bitcoin

Perhaps soon, around the world, we’ll begin putting our faith in Bitcoin rather than fiat.

Finding Bitcoin’s Place In The Talmud’s Investment Teachings

The Talmud offers investment teachings that have passed the test of time, but where might bitcoin fit into one of its most iconic lessons?

Bitcoin And The Cardinal Virtues: How The Rabbit Hole Instills Virtuous Behavior

Bitcoin’s mission and incentives point its community toward classically virtuous behavior.

How Bitcoin Helped Me Escape A Doomsday Cult

“Bitcoiners are people who, like me, have escaped a cult: the cult of fiat.”

Martin Luther’s Reformation Teaches Us How Bitcoin Can Be Successful

The Lutheran Reformation is a useful time period that can enlighten Bitcoiners with lessons that will help further the mission of hyperbitcoinization.

Meet The Catholic Nuns Who Are Building A New Church With Bitcoin

By adopting bitcoin, the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles from Kansas City were able to build their church and focus on preserving Catholic traditions.

Bitcoin Will Lead Us To A More Virtuous World

Rare is the successful revolution whose new regime is kinder, gentler and more just than the one it replaces. We must strive to protect the spirit of Bitcoin.

How Bitcoin Can Help Muslims Follow The Teachings Of The Quran

The fiat system is based on debt and usury, which is antithetical to Islamic law. Bitcoin allows for a monetary system that follows the teachings of the Quran.

Bitcoin, Personality And Development Part Four — Bitcoin, Religion And Morality

Bitcoin’s crowning achievement is the reintroduction of economic consequence. Like Old Testament God, it leaves no room for sin, lies or deceit.
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