

QuadrigaCX and the Million Dollar Questions: What We Do and Don’t Know

Evidence — some hard, some soft — is piling up to suggest that there’s something amiss in the aftermath of the death of Gerald Cotten, CEO of Canadian cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX.

More Universities Add Blockchain Courses to Meet Market Demand

Several universities have added blockchain studies to their fields of study to tailor their educational offerings to new developments in the job market.

ShapeShift Security Chief Michael Perklin: “2017 Will Be the Year of Blockchains”

Digital currency trading company ShapeShift understands the increasing importance of offering secure services safe from the hacks that have plagued the space in the...

Bitcoin Standardization, Security and Accountability: the DCC, C4, and OBPP

There has been a longstanding debate within the Bitcoin ecosystem on the concept of regulation and standardization of the industry. There are generally two...

C4 Announces CCSS Steering Committee; Invites Community Input

On Friday, March 13, the CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium (C4) announced that Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Mike Belshe of BitGo, Eric Lombrozo of Ciphrex, Joshua McDougall...
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