

XCurrency’s New Trustless Ad Hoc Mesh Network

Today, XCurrency has released a brand new trustless mesh network that looks to create revolutionary advancement in privacy, scalability and mobility. This is the...

Ripple Labs CTO Designs Smart Contracts

Stefan Thomas is one of the more talented and respected developers in the space. An old hat at this young technology, he has been...

TXT Coins NOW Launches on STARTJOIN

Lee Gibson Grant of TXT Coins Now has launched a project on Max Keiser’s Cypto crowd funding platform STARTJOIN with the aim of integrating...

U.S. Air Force Building Bitcoin Payment Gateway

The United States Air Force has quietly been working on a Bitcoin payment gateway. Through an SBIR or Small Business Innovation Research grant to...

Primecoin: The Cryptocurrency Whose Mining is Actually Useful

Read the exclusive interview with Primecoin’s creator Sunny King in the issue 13 of Bitcoin Magazine.One of the disadvantages of Bitcoin that its proponents...
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