Can Bitcoin’s Lightning Network Overcome The Price Of Anarchy?
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The “price of anarchy” is inherent to systems in which individuals can act in their own interest — including the Lightning Network.
Bitcoin And The Downslope Of Network Effects
With the rise of Bitcoin’s network effects comes the equivalent demise in legacy finance’s network effects.
Bitcoin is Now Useless for Micropayments, But Solutions are Coming
The Bitcoin blockchain is basically becoming useless for low-value, instant purchases. Frankly, if you’re ordering a beer at a bar, you’re better off using...
Which Altcoins Are Implementing SegWit?
Segregated Witness (SegWit) — the proposed upgrade to the Bitcoin protocol developed by the Bitcoin Core developers — is still far from activation. Requiring 95...
Technical Roadblock Ahead? New Research Paper Warns of Future Bitcoin Network Scaling Concerns
MIT Technology Review is weighing in again on the issue of Bitcoin scalability with an article titled “Technical Roadblock Might Shatter Bitcoin Dreams.” The...
Preliminary, Simplified Implementation of Bitcoin Lightning Network Released
Lightning networks are considered a promising innovation in the Bitcoin space, which would make the Bitcoin system much more scalable and able to process...
Filament Develops Ad-Hoc Mesh Networks of Smart Sensors Operating on the Blockchain
Filament, a technology platform company focused on Internet of Things (IoT) applications and long-range wireless sensor networks for industrial settings, is developing ad-hoc mesh...
Santander: Banks and Innovators Should Join Forces to Create Fintech 2.0
Santander InnoVentures, Oliver Wyman and Anthemis Group have today published “The Fintech 2.0 Paper: Rebooting financial services.” The paper is presented as “a call...
Blockstream Starts Development on the Lightning Network
The authors of the much-discussed Bitcoin Sidechains paper “Enabling Blockchain Innovations with Pegged Sidechains,” released in October, have formed the company Blockstream to develop...
Crypto-Anarchists and Cryptoanarchists
The word “crypto” is Greek in origin (from kryptós) and means “hidden” or “secret.” Cryptozoology is the study of hidden and rare animals, cryptography...
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