

BitMEX’s New COO Angelina Kwan Joins the Crypto Space at “An Exciting Time”

An interview with the new COO of cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX, Angelina Kwan: "It is very exciting time for me to be joining the company."

eCash Founder David Chaum Makes Bold Promises with Elixxir Blockchain

Chaum believes that Elixxir could eventually grow into much more than just a cryptocurrency by becoming a fixture in online security frameworks.

Ether Price Analysis: Market Indecision Could Cause Short Covering Rally

The price of ether has been dropping like a rock over the last few weeks as it managed to realize a 30% devaluation in a very short period of time.

U.S. SEC Suspends Trading for Two Swedish-Based Crypto ETNs

Starting September 9, 2018, the SEC has suspended all U.S. trading of Bitcoin Tracker One and Ether Tracker One until September 20, 2018.

Markets Are Down, But Most Exchanges Are Doing Just Fine

As prices continue to flirt with key support points, people still need hubs to trade their cryptocurrencies. In this case, it seems that many exchanges are still doing just fine.

AMA With Origin Team Reveals Plans for Decentralized Sharing Economy

On August 9, 2018, the Origin team hosted an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on Reddit to discuss their project.

Ether Price Analysis: Historic Support Breaks, Leads to Signs of Capitulation

In two short weeks, ETHUSD was devalued by 50% of its market value. With little to no relief for the underwater bulls, ether seems to be accelerating downward as buyer confidence is lacking and showing signs of capitulation. The entire crypto market, as a whole, is showing signs of capitulation as many alts have seen similar devaluations in shorter periods of time than ETHUSD. Similar to many other coins, ether is penetrating long-held support with very little ease:

FCA Chooses Blockchain Companies for Fourth Cohort of Regulatory Sandbox

Of the 29 firms selected for cohort 4, about a dozen of these companies use distributed ledger technology; others offer services related to cryptocurrency assets.

SEC Director of Corporate Finance: Ether Is Not a Security

"Based on my understanding of the present state of Ether, the Ethereum network and its decentralized structure, current offers and sales of Ether are not securities transactions."

New Coinbase Additions: Ethereum Classic and Crypto Index Fund

Coinbase announced its intention to add Ethereum Classic to its trading platform and then quickly followed with the official opening of their crypto index fund.
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