Randolph Malone

Randolph Malone
Randolph is writer who lives and works in Nashville, Tennessee. He is excited for the revolutionary potential of a decentralized world.

New Coinbase Additions: Ethereum Classic and Crypto Index Fund

Coinbase announced its intention to add Ethereum Classic to its trading platform and then quickly followed with the official opening of their crypto index fund.

Distributed Business Accelerator Launches to Cultivate Blockchain Startups

As part of New York Blockchain Week, Distributed Business Accelerator (DBA) publicly launched their global blockchain accelerator community designed to cultivate an ecosystem of blockchain startups.The CEO of the...

Introducing the 2018 Map of the Blockchain/Crypto Ecosystem

The map is a testament to just how far the young industry has come in its development and exploration of all the available niches in the space.

Venezuela Offers India Discounted Oil to Boost Petro Confidence

The IMF predicts that, by the end of year, Venezuela will have experienced a GDP decline of nearly 50 percent since 2013.

Students Use Loans to Fund Cryptocurrency Investment: Study

The Student Loan Report asked 1000 current students, "Have you ever used student loan money to invest in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin?" And 21.2 percent said yes.

U.K. Fintech Sector Strategy Announces Crypto Asset Task Force

Exchequer Chancellor Philip Hammond announced that a primary component of the UK's new Fintech Sector Strategy will include a Crypto Assets Task Force.
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