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energy waste

Bitcoin Miners Are The Dung Beetles Of The Energy Sector

Miners will consume every last drop of wasted energy available, because they’re incentivized to do so.

Bitcoin Is A Green Energy Battery For Wasted Electricity

Bitcoin converts wasted energy into a different kind of battery for a more sustainable future. The battery of human time, effort and ingenuity: money.

Who Says Bitcoin Mining Needs To Be Profitable?

In addition to profits, bitcoin mining can also offer consistent electricity demand and can clean up the air by utilizing electricity made from wasted methane.

Mining Bitcoin With Human Waste: The Orange Future Of Wastewater Treatment

Treating human waste by turning it into biogas could be an effective means of mining bitcoin which would benefit small towns in developing countries the most.

Utah Oil Producer Is Using Otherwise Wasted Gas To Mine Bitcoin

Wesco has stopped flaring excess natural gas and is now using it to mine bitcoin, reducing carbon emissions and increasing profits.

Bitcoin Will Save Our Earth

By using energy to validate transactions in a way that is independent of any existing grid or source, Bitcoin mining will save the climate.

Oil Field Alchemy: How Bitcoin Can Turn Waste, Emissions into Proof-of-Work

In a handful of oil fields in the Great White North, natural gas, an otherwise wasted drilling by-product, is being put to work. But it’s not being used to well more oil; it’s being used to mine bitcoin.

Why Charles Stross Doesn’t Know a Thing about Bitcoin

Science fiction writers excel at predicting the future. Jules Verne imagined rocket ships long before rockets were blasting into space. William Gibson foresaw the...

The Wasted Electricity Objection to Bitcoin

One of the main arguments in favor of fiat currencies as opposed to currencies based on a scarce resource, whether gold, silver or Bitcoins,...